Monday, March 26, 2012

in da NEWZ

This is what it looks like when you record music. Rather, this is what it looks like when you take a picture in the dark with an old camera phone of someone recording music. The reason that is cool is because it hasn't happened in a while... for us. The reason it hasn't happened is... well, there's many reasons. Regardless, we are slowly getting back into the swing of things. I just found out what my summer will be like, and it was good news to us that we will have a little bit of time to play some shows and record a bit from May to August. I plan to be down in the city with Chase and Dan a bunch and we'll update when we get going on recording more and what we plan to do with the recordings. In August, I am going to drive out to Minnesota to stay there until November at a Sculpture Park. Franconia Sculpture Park is a large-scale outdoor Sculpture park and residency.... it is going to be a radical time.

When you see people in the grocery store, or in other "normal people" settings, what do you talk about? The weather is a great topic, especially when you end a statement about the weather with, "there bud." The reason the weather is a good thing to talk about today is because last week it was in the 80's for a few days up here in almost-Canada-northcountry-Plattsburgh. Today, it is snowing a little bit. Weird.

Friday, March 2, 2012

That Day Then, I Saw

Hi, it's been a while. So to get to the point of this post; four days ago (Wednesday the 29th of February, on the last year of the earth) I took a break from sculpture and went upstairs of the building I work in, where there is an outlet (to charge my computer) and a couch, to listened to "Someday Soon, You'll See". It's hard for me to take breaks, and I hadn't really in a while. So this one was particularly good. The janitor walked by and said "Hey, you're finally taking a break, huh?" And I came to realize the lack of spontaneity in my life as of late. Which is ok, I like working... but what I'm saying is that I needed something like this. Upon reaching Chase's new bandcamp page, this first thing I saw was the album art. A picture of Dan and I, during our tour (either three summers ago, or two can't tell which one), walking ahead, most likely to explore something we thought may be interesting on the side of the road. How's that for nostalgia? How's that to rub in my face for lack of spontaneity? So I thought to myself, "oh boy, this is going to be a fuckin trip". Headphones uncomfortably stuck as far into my ears as they can be, to feel the panning and hear it how Chase wanted me (or you) to hear it. What a fuckin trip it was. The oldies brought me back, each to a different point. I thought... Chase has been sitting on this album for years, and ever since we started playing together, it was obvious that Chase was the most likely to release a solo effort, simply because of his song writing, and story telling skills. He's good enough at that to give you constant butterflies... at least to me. So Chase has been writing songs for years and I always felt like he could put out 6 albums with all of the songs he has written, and I always thought that they would all be fucking amazing. But, he waited. Dan released "Synthetic Resonance", "Noises of the Woods", "UmbrellamoonProtectme", and (most recently) "The Snowless South", all of which are prominent signatures of their times. All of which portray Dan's skills in composing and writing to the fullest, and have you (at least me) at the edge of my seat in excitement. I released "i know you better than you know yourself" with honesty and lack of guitar playing skills, selfishly for only me. And Chase, who was the whole time (as I said before) the most likely to put out an album in the first place, waited. Rightfully so, this album proves. The title and of the album, and the artwork completely back my above argument. Each song brought me to a different time. The suite at Potsdam, Even bowman hall, or Smitty's house (SO FUCKING LONG AGO), driving around and trying to get lost, or last year at my house...And the new songs brought me somewhere that I don't know, and don't think I could explain it even if I could tell you where it was. Somewhere new, and in the future contrasting the old times. You have to find out yourself. How can you fit years and years of our lives on a 9 song album? I don't know. And now I wonder if outsiders... you, will feel as nostalgic as I do. I sense that the feeling will be there, even though you won't think of what I thought... It still may feel like he's singing inside your head, rather than into his computer. So holy shit, thanks Chase. Cheers. LGR 010 2012. (lovesick nomads)

ALSO, crazy good weekend. Surprised at my opening with Chase, Dan, and Kelly showing up and kidnapping me to Syracuse. Shout to Hannah and her room mates for taking on unexpected guests. Awesome time, got to see an awesome show. Sarah and Half Sister. Check them out.